- Scotsman Guide Top Originators 2013-2019, 2022
- Five Star Mortgage Professional award winner 2013-2019, 2022-2023
- Five Star Mortgage Professional as Published in DELAWARE TODAY magazine, 2011, 2014, 2016 & 2018
- Five Star Mortgage Professional as Published in PHILADELPHIA MAGAZINE 2016
- Expert Network 2016
- Top Agent Magazine 2015
- Featured Agent Magazine 2018
Webster's Dictionary defines courage as "the ability to do something that frightens one"... I describe courage as "Brian Atallian". My then-fiance and I were at the end of the road with nowhere else to turn. Hopeless and downtrodden, we turned to Pike Creek Mortgage Services on a dreary Sunday morning. Sure, we'd heard of Brian Atallian, but we'd yet to come face-to-face with the goddamn Stallion who would change our lives forever. Shivering in the February chill, Brian greeted us with a handshake and a helping of limited edition Herr's roasted corn popcorn, his favorite. We were ushered into his office and awaited yet another denial from the dark lord we called Life. We, like Jon Snow on the rock surrounded by White Walkers in the epic GOT Season 7 cliffhanger, unsure of our next move began to say our goodbyes to this cruel world. That's when we heard the sounds of hope screeching in the distance. Brian, atop a majestic reptilian winged beast, his long blonde braids flowing in the wind behind him, incinerated our fears and whisked us away to safely, pressed tightly to his comforting bosom. Now that I've burned that image into your brain, let's talk about the man himself.
Brian has a rare quality of making everyone he encounters feel like family. Having never met the man prior to that fateful Sunday, I was immediately comfortable sharing with him our most confidential financial matters. Never did we feel judged or intimidated. Have you ever called the IT desk at work and endured patronizing, condescending comments from a weaselly employee* who wanted desperately to be like you in middle school? "Have you tried turning the computer on?" "Are you sure your mouse is working?" Despite your best attempts, you find yourself hanging up on this person, questioning your intellect and reassuring yourself by looking at pictures of your hot wife and lacrosse trophies. Well, I would put IT in the same category as mortgage shenanigans (or whatever it is that lenders like Brian do). Our lack of knowledge didn't matter because Brian and his team took the time to explain every detail, each little nuance and how we could adjust this or that to meet or needs. Not only would I recommend Brian for all your mortgage needs, but for general life matters as well (though you should probably limit these as he's a professional who's busy saving lives). We can't wait to have Brian over for a backyard barbecue and you can bet he'll be featured on our Christmas card this year - front and center, baby!
*PLOT TWIST - My hot wife is an IT professional who I respect and cherish, as does Brian.
-Your Newest Roll Dawg,
Madison Gerdts